Lilongwe, 26th April 2011
Dear Parents
Re: Proposed School Trip to Paris and London September/October 2011
I have great delight in announcing a fantastic school trip to beautiful Paris and London from 24th September to 1st October 2011. The trip is open to Years 7-13 students. The aim is to give the students a real and worthwhile experience of topics they have already studied in French, geography, history and especially art. There will be a focus on art visits, which may lead to splitting up the group at times, in order to cater also for the needs of those students who are less interested. I will be leading the trip and Ms. Montgomery, Ms. Taylor and Mr. Rajeshwar are the proposed chaperones. The organization in Paris and London is in the hands of Ça Va Visits and Activities UK Ltd. Mrs. Julie Trainor will be the travel agent on our trip.
The proposed itinerary is outlined below:
Saturday 24th September Departure 15.05 by Ethiopian Airlines to Paris;
Sunday 25th Arrival 5.35, breakfast Montmartre, visit Place du Tertre, Bateau Mouche boat ride on Seine
Monday 26th Louvre, Versailles, evening: cinema/bowling
Tuesday 27th Cité des Sciences, Quai d’Orsay, Eiffel Tower
Wednesday 28th London by Eurostar: Big Ben, City trip, London
Eye, Tate Gallery
Thursday 29th Centre Pompidou, Père Lachaise, shopping, evening surprise (spectacular live show in heart of Paris)
Friday 30th September Visit to Euro Disney! (Disney Park, Disney Studios); night flight 22.05 back home
Saturday 1st October Arrival Kamuzu Airport 14.20, arrival school 16.00
The cost will be approximately* MKW 365,000 (Three Hundred Sixty Five Thousand Malawi Kwacha) against current exchange rates per student and number of students; the price is fully inclusive:
o Airfares plus taxes
o Medical and cancellation insurance
o Full board accommodation
o Entrance fees to Euro Disney and all other attractions and activities
o All ground transport (Eurostar to London, coach, bus, underground, boat on Seine)
The above price does not include pocket money and possible visa costs.
A maximum of 40 students will be allowed to participate. If the trip is oversubscribed, participants will be selected by considering factors like behaviour in school and motivation to go on a trip abroad in order to be as fair as possible to all students.
If you would like your child/children to participate in this trip, please complete the form below and return it to Mr. Snieder in an envelope marked “bmisgoesparislondon2011” before or on Friday 29th April 2011.
Our weblog gives you more information. Should you have any additional questions before committing to the trip please do no not hesitate to contact me through the school office: 01756364/265/984.
Yours sincerely,
Willem A. Snieder
Trip coordinator
*The cost of the trip may vary due to factors outside our control (rate of euro/dollar/pound/kwacha, fuel supplement flight, change in number of students etc.). Every effort will be made to keep the trip cost to MKW365,000 or below.
Child’s Name
Motivation to go on this trip
Date and parent signature
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