Wednesday, August 24, 2011

22nd August parents and students meeting

 Trip open for Years 7,8,9,10,11,12,13 (school year 2011/2)
 Staff: Mrs. Almeida, Ms. Taylor, Mr. Rajeshwar, Mr. Snieder
 Ethiopian Airlines takes care of the flights
 Ça Va Trips is UK travel organization in France with representative Julie during whole trip
 Trip cost 425,000 MKW = all inclusive except for pocket money + possible visa costs
 There is a regularly updated weblog (please visit):
Maximum of 40 participants
 Schengen visa for Paris
 Contact German embassy 01772555
 School does preparatory work
 Free
 Fill in application form (available)
 1 passport photograph
 Passport valid for at least 3 months return
 Exemption for most European countries and US
 Consulate open 9-12 working days
 UK visa for London
 Teveta House opening house 8-15
 Takes 10 working days
 Costs involved
 2 clean pages passport
 2 passport photos
 VISAS ARE RESPONSIBILITY OF PARENTS (tip: go for one before and one after holiday)
 Please take a copy from the piles
 TEP, PRP, other: make sure they are in –valid- passport
 Students/parents must bring cheques (address to Bishop Mackenzie International School and write bmisgoesparislondon2011 on the back) into the financial office immediately on arrival at school. They will be issued with a receipt. Cheques should be placed in a sealed envelope clearly labelled with your child’s/children’s name and class.

 *1st instalment
 May 13th 2011
 MKW 120,000
 *2nd instalment
 June 3rd 2011
 MKW 120,000
 *final payment
 August 17th 2011
 MKW 185,000
 Air ticket 232,000 MKW
 Travel agency France 165,000 MKW
 Medical/
 cancellation insurance 6,000 MKW
 Surprises 17,000 MKW
 Contingency 5,000 MKW

 --------------------

 Total 425,000 MKW against the current exchange rates
 of MKW/euro/pound/dollar
 Behaviour contract
 Payment slip
 Indemnity form + medical information + dietary requirements + contact details
 Please fill the documents out this evening and have relevant pages (personal details + validity and residence permit) of passport photocopied
 No mobile phones allowed: security, value, focus; all communication through Head Teacher Mr Harrison + weblog we’ll update on a daily basis
 Pocket money: guideline 150 euros, 30 pounds: obtain the Forex on time (letter available tonight); there will simply be no time to exchange currencies in Paris and London
 Weblog forum + ask your child about letters
 Packing list after holiday (Mrs. Almeida in a minute)
 Waiting list
 Tags
 Chaperone system
 Insurance
 Malaria
 Surprises
 Missed schoolwork responsibility student
 Rooming: friends + friends
 Valuables at own risk
 Every Thursday students’ meeting S5 10.15
 Saturday 24th September: please be on time, 9.00 a.m.
 Security: 5 parents, safety children/students first priority, permanent contact with school

Roleplays to prepare students:
You want to buy a present for your little sister/brother. You have €15 to spend.
• Bonjour mademoiselle/monsieur. Qu’est-ce que tu voudrais ?
(Tell the shop lady that you want a present for your little sister/brother.
• Je voudrais un cadeau pour mon petit frère/ma petite sœur.
• Alors, voici des casquettes,
ou il y a aussi des porte clés,
de jolis sacs,
des T-shirts très cool,
et de petits Tours Eiffel.

(Ask how much the caps are.)
• C’est combien les casquettes ?
• Sept euros.

(Ask how much the pens are.)
• Et les stylos sont combien ?
• Trois euros.

• What to take: Small rucksack (5kg.):
• *book/puzzles/games
• *travel documents
• *toiletries bag, filled
• *sunglasses
• *pen + notebook
• *camera + other valuables
• Suitcase (20kg.) :
• *6 changes of underwear and socks
• *3 long-sleeved shirts
• *3 t-shirts
• *2 jumpers/sweatshirts
• *2 pairs of trousers
• *2 shorts
• *2 pairs of pyjamas
• *tracksuit
• *1 towel
• *1 pair of trainers, 1 or more pair(s) of shoes
• *hat/cap
• *raincoat
• *plastic carrier bag for dirty laundry
• *jacket
• * valuables at own risk
• Please ensure that all items are clearly named!


Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Several Schengen visas for our trip have been issued already. What we as school could do, e.g. leave copies of insurance and parental consent, we have done. UK visas: I know of one visa that has been issued. Parents and students involved should go to the UK visa office in Teveta House and they should bring:
*photo, passport size
*application form (apply for visitors visa, not for transit)
*application fee
*proof of parental consent (if you signed out the indemnity form you can get a copy from school)
*proof of insurance (copy from school)
*bank statement
*birth certificate (depending on the nationality)
Good luck, Willem Snieder.

Monday, August 15, 2011

letter 15th August

Lilongwe, 15th August 2011

Re: bmisgoesparislondon2011

Dear Parents and Students,

I hope you have had a good holiday and have returned to Malawi safe and sound. Thank you very much for having paid the first two instalments for our trip to France and London. Our plans are progressing well and it will certainly be a fantastic experience for the students. I would like to send a polite reminder that the remaining instalment is due this week and is needed to fulfil our financial obligations to airline and travel agency. Unfortunately, due to the recent exchange variations, we have had to adjust the amount to MKW 185,000.

A second polite reminder for those students who need a visa: please obtain the Schengen and UK visas on time. We try to be as helpful as possible, but it is the parents’ responsibility to arrange for the visas.

I would also invite parents and students to a meeting on Monday 22nd at 5 p.m. in the BMIS hall. Given the uncertain political situation in Malawi, the riots in London, the devaluation of the kwacha and the lack of Forex I feel we should have an extra meeting for the trip to enable us to discuss any queries you may have about the trip.

I look forward to seeing you on Monday 22nd August at 5.00 p.m.

Yours sincerely,

Willem Snieder, trip coordinator

PS Please check out our weblog for additional information.